Making money as a teen (my own way)

Reece Clifford
2 min readJun 27, 2021

I’ll be honest, I’m stubborn. Thinking about someone being in charge of me and giving me demands and instructions makes me sick. I wanna be a boss I wanna be the one giving demands and pushing people around, does that make me horrible? Most likely. All I wanna do is work for myself and be my own boss and I tell you what, it’s really hard work.

First of as a 17 year old, starting an online business is no piece of cake there really is so many complications and little obstacles you have to get passed (which I’m still to this day trying to get passed). For me some of these so-called miniscule obstacles turn out to be massive problems for me. It could be something as simple as finding a name for my business, which took me a good while, I know please don’t laugh at me. Eventually I came up with a name which I mean I’m actually really happy with, I also took time with making a logo which you can see below:

I mean I don’t know anyone else’s opinion on the logo but I really like it. So you’ve also got to look into what sort of business you actually want to get into and are actually interested in. Well I looked into affiliate links and how all of that topic works and to be honest it’s actually really interesting but for someone like me to do it properly, I would really need to be 18 years old so that I can deal with obstacles like tax and advertisement etc.

After some looking around I came across print-on-demand and fiverr who’s services seem to catch my attention the most with the fact I can put my creativity to good use (even if my creativity is slightly dull). I’ve started using them and putting up my designing ideas on there and I’m really enjoying it, even if success is still yet to come my way.

Overall, if you wanna make money as a teen just look at what hobbies you have or something you are interested in and do some research. These years are for exploring and finding something you are comfortable with. If anyone has any other ideas or suggestions for self employed online jobs then the feedback would be great and I would love to hear them!

Just remember success takes time you can’t expect anything over night, just keep working hard and you’ll see results in time



Reece Clifford

Just a 17 year old obsessed with starting a business